I released Feed Hawk 1.7.5. This update contains one change: that it no longer uses associated domains, also known as universal links, as part of the web-based (OAuth) login process for Inoreader and NewsBlur.

I made this change for two reasons. First, doing so allows password autofill to work correctly with 1Password for syncing services where you enter credentials into text fields, as opposed to logging in with an in-app Safari view. Second, using associated domains in Feed Hawk was causing bugs in another app that also has goldenhillsoftware.com as an associated domain. It became clear to me that using associated domains in this manner was no longer prudent.

There is a downside to this change that I take seriously and want to acknowledge. When initially signing into an Inoreader account or a NewsBlur account, a one-time authentication code needs to be relayed through my company web server. That web server does not log anything about these requests. It simply sends them back to Feed Hawk by issuing a redirect. I updated the privacy policy accordingly.