Unread 1.9.13 is now available, adding support for iOS 13 and iPadOS 13.

Dark Mode Support

iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 add a dark mode. Unread now has two different theme settings when running on the new operating systems: one for light mode and one for dark mode. The default theme for dark mode is Black. On an existing Unread installation, the default theme for light mode will be the previously set theme — even if that theme is not particularly dark.

The menu presenting theme options now categorizes themes into light themes and dark themes when running on the new operating systems. Unread will suggest light themes for light mode and dark themes for dark mode, but you can select any theme for either mode.

All themes are now available before making the in-app purchase.

Other Changes

  • Selecting “Copy” in the share sheet for an article now copies only a link to the article. It does not include an article summary in the copied text. The “Copy Link” action has been removed from the share sheet.
  • This update fixes bugs around the share sheet and around in-app purchases that customers beta testing iOS 13 or iPadOS 13 may have encountered.

My primary focus recently has been Unread 2, but in the meantime it feels good to deliver dark mode support with the release of iOS 13. If you buy Unread now, you will get the first year of Unread 2 at no additional cost. You can download Unread now in the App Store.