Unread 1.9.5 is now available with these improvements:

  • Unread 1.9.4 introduced a Readability view compatibility issue for some sites. This update fixes that.
  • Unread will now retrieved starred articles from Inoreader Saved Web Pages in addition to starred articles from Inoreader feeds.
  • The update adds a fix for some crashes.

The update also adds a change to functionality that allows me to request Unread log files and database files from a customer by emailing that customer a specific ghsunread:// URL. When the customer taps on that URL in an email message, Unread will ask the customer for consent and then send me those files. I use this sparingly to resolve particularly tricky customer support issues. The specific change is that Unread now sends me the files by transmitting them to my server instead of emailing them to me. Emailing the files proved unreliable. That change required a minor update to the privacy policy.