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Unread’s viewer window.
Unread has 14 different color themes. You can choose one theme for light mode and another for dark mode.
Unread’s Dusk theme is relaxing in low light environments.
Unread’s Campfire theme gives words a warm glow.
Any article can be opened in a standalone window. Unread supports multiple standalone article windows and multiple main viewer windows.
Unread is great for watching YouTube videos. YouTube provides RSS feeds for YouTube channels and playlists. Unread makes it easy to subscribe.
Unread has great search capabilities, making it easy to find articles quickly and to find a feed based on its name.
Article actions let you easily save an article to your favorite read later or bookmarking service. (Subscription required.)
The Subscribe in Unread share extension makes it easy to subscribe to a website’s feeds while visiting that website with any browser.
Our free Unread Cloud service lets you sync between your Mac, iPhone, and iPad. Unread also syncs with Feedbin, Feedly, Fever, Inoreader, and NewsBlur.