It was seven years ago today that I officially took over development of Unread. It is a nice coincidence that this is the launch week of Unread for Mac.

Unread got some nice press attention this week. Here are some highlights:

Most importantly, I should stress again how refreshing it feels to have such a great native experience with Unread. The app is really fast, even when it’s loaded up with hundreds of feeds.
Niléane, MacStories

It’s an RSS reader made with taste. It has great typography, themes, search, and compatibility with the usual suspects. I love having this app on my Mac.
David Sparks, MacSparky

It feels so fast. It feels so good to use. I'm really, really impressed with the Mac app.
Matt Birchler, Comfort Zone

I’ve been using the Mac app for a couple of weeks, and it’s really quite nice, and I love that Brayton went the AppKit route.
Stephen Hackett, 512 Pixels

I want to thank everyone who helped spread the word about the launch – everything from podcasts and blogs to social media boosts. It is helpful to me, and helpful to Unread’s success.

If you enjoy using Unread, please consider subscribing to Unread’s premium features.