A new beta of Unread for macOS is available. This build adds in-app release notes, a new “About Unread” window, and more. You can join the Unread for macOS beta now if you have not already done so.

Important Note: This build makes a change that requires Unread to perform a data migration at first launch. On the first screen, click “Migrate accounts… (recommended)”. The app will present a file picker. Simply click the “Open” button. You do not need to select a file or change the current folder. Once that is done, Unread will work with your accounts as it did before. More information is available in an earlier post. Please get in touch if you have any questions.

In-App Release Notes

Continuing Unread’s tradition of incorporating release notes history in the app, this build adds a Release Notes window. You can open it from the Release Notes item in the Help menu.

A screenshot showing a window on macOS with two panes. The left window shows a list of Unread versions. The first version is selected. The right pane shows release notes for the currently selected version.
Release Notes window

“About Unread” Window

This build adds a new “About Unread” window showing the current version number and copyright notice. You can open it by selecting About Unread under the Unread menu.

A window showing “Unread: An RSS Reader”, the version number, and the copyright.
About window

Other changes

  • Toolbars are no longer displayed when showing a window fullscreen.
  • This build fixes bugs around showing windows fullscreen.
  • This build fixes a bug that prevented Save to Photo Library from working for WebP images.
  • The progress indicator displayed while loading a high resolution image for viewing fullscreen is now a horizontal bar displayed at the bottom of the screen.
  • This build fixes a bug that prevented empty tags and folders from appearing in the source list of main windows.
  • If you Mark All Read and check “Don’t ask again” at the prompt, and then undo that operation, the “Confirm mark all read” setting will now be re-enabled.
  • This build addresses some bugs around image operations for articles after they are updated.
  • This build fixes a bug that could cause a memory error when viewing an image fullscreen.

“To Be Implemented Before Release” List

This build removes the “To Be Implemented Before Release” list that was available from the Help menu. I removed it because there are no remaining items in the list. I have some work to do before releasing Unread for macOS, but the current build is feature complete. 🎉

You can join the Unread for macOS beta now if you have not already done so.