I am excited to announce that Unread 3.0 is available now from the App Store. Unread 3.0 adds Unread Cloud, a new syncing and article retrieval system for Unread.
Create or sign in to an Unread Cloud account via Sign in with Apple. With an Unread Cloud account, Unread’s servers retrieve articles from feeds, and your device retrieves articles from those servers. This makes refreshing your account fast, reduces the battery power and bandwidth required by your device, and ensures that you do not miss articles when your device is offline.
Unread 3.0 also adds Local accounts. Local accounts use the Unread Cloud servers to efficiently retrieve articles, but a Local account is only available from a single device.
Support for external feed services such as Feedbin and Feedly remains important for Unread. If you are happy using an external feed service, I encourage you to continue doing so. You do not need to change anything. You will want to continue using your external feed service if you use it to keep Unread in sync with other RSS readers or if you use the website that your feed service provides. Unread Cloud is focused on syncing and article retrieval for Unread.
Other Improvements:
- The default icon for Unread is now its Day theme icon.
- The launch screen is now more subtle, and uses either a white or black background depending on whether the device is in light mode or dark mode.
- Share sheet interaction has been modernized.
- The Settings screen has been completely revamped, and is now available from the swipe left menu of the home screen, subscription list, and article list. It now includes release notes and information that had been on the About screen. The Release Notes and More sections have been removed from the home screen. The ability to change the current theme is no longer available from the swipe left menu of most screens.
- The General font size setting has been removed, since iOS and iPadOS now let you set app-specific font sizes. The article list and article view font size settings are still available.
- The iOS 13-style preview functionality and Drag and Drop functionality has been removed in favor of Unread’s custom context menus.
- The bottom of the screen no longer displays status text indicating when it is indexing articles.
Unread 3.0 requires iOS/iPadOS 15.5 or later. The addition of Unread Cloud required significant changes to the Unread Privacy Policy.
Unread 3.0 is available now from the App Store.