I have been hard at work on Unread 2 for well over a year now. I am excited about the new capabilities in this new version and look forward to sharing them when the time comes. I expect to release Unread 2 within the next few months.
I am not ready to announce new capabilities of Unread 2 yet, but I do want to prepare customers for the change in pricing and business model. Like the current shipping version, Unread 2 will be free to download and to try with some functional limits. After trying the app customers will be able to unlock the full version by purchasing a $19.99/year (USD) subscription.
First year discounts will be available for customers who recently purchased Unread 1. I do not yet know the specifics, but I can promise that anyone who purchased Unread 1 on or after June 1, 2019, will be eligible to get the first year of Unread 2 for free. Offers of a discounted or free first year for recent purchasers of Unread 1 will be in place for 90 days after Unread 2 is released. The most recent update to Unread 1, version 1.9.12, allows you to check the date at which you purchased the unlock. Simply navigate to the About screen and scroll down to the Unlock Purchase Status section.
I believe this business model change is necessary in order to provide a solid foundation for Unread’s future development. In addition this will allow me to release new functionality as soon as it is ready. Unread 2 includes capabilities that I wanted to ship over a year ago. I could have done so if I had a good way to be paid for that work. This business model change will provide that flexibility.
Unread 2 will ship as a new app in the App Store. That will allow customers who purchased Unread 1 and choose not to upgrade to continue using the app they bought.